Facility Vulnerability with VISAC

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Components of VISAC

VISAC, a Java code, uses several other Java packages to carry out facility defeat analysis. Each of these packages has its own documentation, attached to this document. These packages include:

  1. EFcalc - calculates the event/fault tree problem to determine facility kill and negative outcome of each incident. The user does not deal with this code directly, but some documentation is supplied for the user who wants more information on how the logical event/fault tree models are calculated.

  2. EFTed - used to edit and display the event trees and fault trees describing the target facility logic model.

  3. Edificio - used to edit or display the geometry of the target facility. Also used to pick locations graphically for the Region Damage incident and the Quick Blast incident.

  4. MblmGui - interactively runs MBLM54d, the multichamber blowdown model developed by SAIC. Inventories of releasable materials and their relation to the critical components must be given to VISAC to relate incident damage to the MBLM model.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2004

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